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Our Top 5 Productivity Books!

Jan 27, 2022
Top 5 Amazon Productivity Book Picks


Here are our top picks for performance, productivity & mindset!

Click below to shop our go-to picks to add to your reading list.

  1. Eat That Frog! - to stop procrastination! 
  2. Mindset - to shift your thinking
  3. The Power of Focus to get on track for financial freedom
  4. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to inspire new practices
  5. The Power of Habit - to rewire your habits!

 Eat That Frog! - to stop procrastination! 

 Mindset - to shift your thinking

  The Power of Focus to get on track for financial freedom

 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to inspire new practices

   The Power of Habit to rewire your habits!

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