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Episode 1: The Purpose with Purvis Show – Finding Your Purpose

podcast Sep 05, 2024
Be Do Have Movement Jacklyn & Jamie Podcast: The Purpose with Purvis Show



In our first episode of The Purpose with Purvis Show, we’re diving into the powerful topic of finding your purpose. Whether you’re feeling stuck or unsure about your next steps, this episode is packed with insights on how to reconnect with what drives you and how to turn your dreams into reality. Hosted by Jacklyn Purvis and Jamie Purvis, we’ll explore real-life strategies, inspiring stories, and actionable steps to help you take control of your life and career.

Our conversation centers on purpose and the journey toward realizing your dreams, featuring practical examples from our own lives and careers. We also introduce the Be Do Have method, a simple yet transformative approach to achieving success by embodying the person you want to become—right now.



Defining Purpose: It’s More Than a Buzzword

Purpose is a big word that often leaves people feeling stuck or overwhelmed. In this episode, Jacklyn shares how losing your sense of purpose can drain your motivation. Purpose isn’t just about having a grand plan—it’s about finding your something more. That internal drive that pushes you forward.

“Purpose is your motivation, your something more. Figuring out what that is changes everything.”


Jamie’s Journey: From Real Estate to Coaching

Jamie reflects on his transition from 23 years in real estate to becoming a coach. He talks about hitting a point where he knew he needed to make a change, even though everything on the outside seemed great. This is where the Be Do Have movement began to take shape—a philosophy of living as your future self now, rather than waiting for some distant goal.

When you live as if your dreams are already achieved, you start thinking and acting differently. That’s how growth happens.”


Stepping into the Unknown with Faith

Making big decisions is scary, especially when you don’t have a clear outcome. Both Jacklyn and Jamie share their stories of stepping away from secure careers without knowing what was next, driven only by faith in themselves. This powerful message encourages listeners to take courageous action in their own lives.


The Be Do Have Movement: A Balanced Approach

The Be Do Have method isn’t about grinding until you’re burned out, nor is it all about woo-woo manifestation. It’s about combining both—being intentional in your mindset while taking real, aligned action. Jacklyn explains how this holistic approach helps people balance their personal growth with professional success.

“It’s not just about what you’re doing at work; it’s about who you’re being as a person.”


Special September Savings: Work with Jamie 1:1

We’re excited to offer a special promotion for our listeners! Jamie is offering 50% off one-on-one coaching for six or twelve months until the end of September. This is a unique opportunity to work directly with us and transform your business and life.


Interested? Click Here to Book a Call

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